Monday, February 18, 2008

What is islam?

It is the usual morning prayer at Silver Spring mosque. After the prayer the imam usually share some knowledge about islam. He first asked what was the first ayah that was revealed? He then said it was Surah Al Alaq (96), followed by Surah Al Qalam (68), Al Muzzammil (73) and Al Muddatstsir (74) in the order of choronolgy. He added it means that the fundamental of islam was based on the importance of the ayahs that have been revealed in the order of choronolgy. First Allah asked us to read follow by writing, praying and teaching. It is so important for us to gain knowledge by reading and writing. After requiring those skills we are requested to stand up for prayer to built our faith in allah and then teach others. This is the basic fundamental of islam which I find so systematic right from the begining on how Allah wants the humanity to lead their life in islam. Below are the translation in Bahasa Malaysia on the four surahs I mentioned above for our understandig and knoweldge.

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