The time has come to start voting for the best Gentlemen Quarterly GQ. The winner will win a bottle of perfume either Calvin Klien, Hugo Boss, Ralph Laurent, Daviddoff or the choice of the Winner.
The selection of the winner will be based on the following votes:
1) 60% - from 15 selected Juries (the Juries will be selected by me)
2) 40% - from the polling results obtained in polling through this Blog.
Blog visitors are advised to vote their favourite GQ and they can also vote as many as they wish to and visitors can also vote more than one person. All you need to do is go to the side bar ( on the left hand side of this posting and start voting).
On the closing date of 5 December 2008, the votes by both juries and public voters will be counted and the winner will be published in this blog during Aidil Adha. So stay tuned.
So for those who wish to participate. Please submit your best 5 pictures and once it is published you stand a chance of winning a bottle of perfume.
Thank for participating....
awt jd cam tu rambut tak kemas , u keje KL everything is perfect ..hehehe baru 2 bulan dah jd mcm tu ka
Itu la fasal tak jumpa kedai gunting rambut lagi. Rata-rata kedai India... Nanti tak de fesyen langsung rambut aku di buatnya. Yg salon pulak untuk perempuan aje.. Habis Camno?????
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