Sunday, April 6, 2008

Cross Stitch - Hobby

I am not a fan of hand work. My only accomplishment with hand work was crochet for table cover way back years ago. That was the first and the last. But I admire people who have the talent with hand works. My sisters are good at knitting, crochet and my mom with patch works. Well I must say we are one creative family. I guess that was what happened when you have a big family and you can't afford to buy or get what you want. So we ended up creating or do it ourselves with whatever we have. This was the art of survival that we learned through our grown up days.

Trying to inculcate these qualities to my family this days, I put my wife to test. I bought some cross-stitch cottage patterns through the internet @ and the results were great. Congratulation mummy for successfully completed the assignment.


Abu Ikhlas said...

patterns yang banyak tersımpan tu bıla nak habıs kan.....hehehehehe...semangat mau maıntaın bro.....anak dah lıma tak sıap sıap lagı artıkel ko cıte plak pasalpleater smokıng ko...apa dah jadı....mestı lebıh menarık kan.....

Anonymous said...

ishh..tak baik tau TEST2 bini buat cross mum is great at knitting, sewing and crossstitch...dia selalu menjahit dgn ur late sister kt opis...masa zaman i kecik2 dulu selalu nmpk ur late sister dok mengait sarung bunga telur utk kak iz punya wedding..sarung telur dgn sudu tembaga lagi...hehehehe...

Mohamad said...

Betul la Boy .. sedih kadang kenangkan my late sister tu...nanti la bila datang ilham i nak tulis la fasal dia...

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