I was first married to a VW in mid 90s with a 'mas kahwin' or dowry of RM2,500. I named her Daffodils which reminds on my good old days walking through the garden of Daffodil on the way to college in Newcastle Upon Tyne. She had a fair biege colour with registration number BS 6168. I later sent her for a face uplift and turned her bright yellow. She was so caring, so understanding and we had good moments together. I felt safe with her and I don't have to worry of locking the doors whenever I left her. Eventhough I knew people would not blink at her but I adored her, liked her and felt safe with her. She served me well. We had good 5 years together until one day she had slight ailments and complaint of a bleeding.... oil.
I tried to send her to the regular workshop but the mechanic had dissapeared due to expansion of Jalan Gombak and I don't know where he had moved to. I had to go around to search for a workshop who can treat her but to my disapointment, no one wanted to treat her. I finally resorted to an alien mechanic who looked so promising. The mechanic convinced me that he could change the engine and she would be as good as new. I was delighted. I waited weeks after weeks but she had no sign of recovery. He striped her off. I had no choice to just wait until she recovered because she could not move. After months of waiting, the mechanic finally called me and told me that he couldn't repair her because he had to close his workshop to pave way for the Putra LRT project. I had no choice. I had to take her to another mechanic. When I saw her, she was in a bad shape. Her engine was spoiled and some of the accessories were also gone. My heart sank. I had to send her to my friend's workshop in Sungai Besi. I escorted her and on the way I consoled her and assured her that she will be in good hands after months of nightmares she had gone through.
At the new workshop I told my friend to wait until I had sufficient money to pay for the repairs. But at that time I could hardly save and pay for the cost to repair. Sadly enough I had to keep her waiting again. I was trying hard to earn some extra cash and also waiting and hoping for bonus to repair and take her back. But when things happened, it couldn't wait.... My friend told me that he had to move his workshop to make way for a new highway to the Mines.. I tried to get her done before the deadline but I was late. By the time I was there she had dissapeared and gone.... I was sad... we had sweet moment together. It was just the circumstances that put us in the difficult situation. Until today I don't know where she finally resided and hope she will rest in peace my sweet daffodil...
I tried to send her to the regular workshop but the mechanic had dissapeared due to expansion of Jalan Gombak and I don't know where he had moved to. I had to go around to search for a workshop who can treat her but to my disapointment, no one wanted to treat her. I finally resorted to an alien mechanic who looked so promising. The mechanic convinced me that he could change the engine and she would be as good as new. I was delighted. I waited weeks after weeks but she had no sign of recovery. He striped her off. I had no choice to just wait until she recovered because she could not move. After months of waiting, the mechanic finally called me and told me that he couldn't repair her because he had to close his workshop to pave way for the Putra LRT project. I had no choice. I had to take her to another mechanic. When I saw her, she was in a bad shape. Her engine was spoiled and some of the accessories were also gone. My heart sank. I had to send her to my friend's workshop in Sungai Besi. I escorted her and on the way I consoled her and assured her that she will be in good hands after months of nightmares she had gone through.
At the new workshop I told my friend to wait until I had sufficient money to pay for the repairs. But at that time I could hardly save and pay for the cost to repair. Sadly enough I had to keep her waiting again. I was trying hard to earn some extra cash and also waiting and hoping for bonus to repair and take her back. But when things happened, it couldn't wait.... My friend told me that he had to move his workshop to make way for a new highway to the Mines.. I tried to get her done before the deadline but I was late. By the time I was there she had dissapeared and gone.... I was sad... we had sweet moment together. It was just the circumstances that put us in the difficult situation. Until today I don't know where she finally resided and hope she will rest in peace my sweet daffodil...

1 comment:
may ur dreams come true~
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