Sunday, April 6, 2008

Collecting Tea Pots - Hobbies

It is odd to ask the question what is your hobbies nowadays? Cause most of the youngster today do not even a hobby. Or they would say " My hobby is chatting" which somehow doesn't have much of creativity. I have lots of hobbies and I love to share this interest and hobbies with everyone.

My friend, Masnoor has a hobby of collecting tea pots. Here are some of his interesting collection. So have you decided to have a hobby today? Need any help? You can always contact me if you need help in that.....

One more thing, I found one interesting cafe in SS2 called Tea Pot Cafe. The cafe is owned by my friend and her mother has a lot of tea pot collection displayed at the cafe. You can visit Tea Pot Cafe @ Sorry la I cannot recommend for any discount but the food is good and the cafe has also been featured on TV3 in the "Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan"

1 comment:

Abu Ikhlas said...

heheheh....ada gak nama aku naık....sıap gmbar lagı......

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