Saturday, March 29, 2008

Heliconia Oh Heliconia

My brother Hamdan was the one who introduced me to Heliconia. It was the love at first sight. At that time we only had Rostrata and it was so expensive to get the rhizome back then. Eversince, I became the fan of Heliconia and visited several places in and outside the country places where they grow Heliconia. I used to have at least 30 species of Heliconias. The one above and sexy pink have always been my favourite.

I wish I could have a big piece of land where I can grow Heliconia. Nonetheless, with limited space I have currently on my back yard, I only managed to plant less than 10 species. With this fanatic interest, I also plant and grow Heliconia surrounding my office and I have this little garden that I will walk around at least once a week.

So for you Heliconia fan out there, care to exchange the rhizome with me. Drop me a line and we could make the arrangement. For heliconia enthusiast, you can visit the Heliconia Society or if you want to buy, there are a few shops in Sungai Buloh sell those flowers. I also saw eliconia farm in Janda Baik. You could also get some from Bangkok if you happen to be there, especially at Chak chu Chak Market every Saturday and Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that one you show isn't sexy pink but rather eden pink. Could you please give me list of heliconia which you have.

Many thanks,

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