Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fish Widget

Interested in having your own Virtual Fish Aquarium?
  1. Click aB on my aquarium at the top left hand corner or go to the website ABowman.com
  2. Please note you could also choose all other gadgets such as stingray, turtle, penguin etc
  3. Then Click customize fish gadget
  4. Wait for a while until it uploading the customization
  5. You can choose the number of fish you want and
  6. You can change the colour of your fish and the food
  7. Once done, go to Embed and copy the code and paste the code in your side bar
  8. You will get the fish and you can also feed the fish
Happy trying.

1 comment:

N A Z M I E S K I said...

wah.....cantik lah background fish parrot En. Mohamad.

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