What actually inspired me of having my own library was when I successfully completed a project, Chancellor's Complex for University Technology of PETRONAS in Bandar Sri Iskandar, Perak which was designed by Norman Fosters & Partners. The complex comprises of the Main Hall and Library. One thing unquie about the library is that you be able to recognise the library the very first instance you see it. Being very much involved in the project has made me kept telling myself, I will have a library of myself someday.... So when I moved back to KL on another project, I first priority is to convert one of the room into a library. I do hope one day I have a bigger room for my library.. You can also refer to forum talk about the university on the library.

Chancellor's Complex view from the Plaza comprising Library and Main Hall
do come to utp for Raja Nazrin talk this morning~ 10.30am..
Tahniah weh! Saya baru sahaja pulang dari Sahara, masih letih tapi isteri gue sudah telefon ....dia tanya itu lu kawan lama gue ke. Gue bilang..ya lah masa kat Kuantan dulu. Dia banyak suka sama lu punya blog. Banyak makanan yang dia nak masak nanti....jadi gue akan jadi gemuk bila balik nanti.
Tahniah ya....my librarry tooooo small compared to yours. Am I eligble too??
Hafizd, Nampaknya kena hantar wakil aje la.. Maklum la saya di KL. By the time sampai sana talk pun dah habis. Lagi pun tak schedule. Nanti you let me know ape dia cerita ye...
Walaikumusalam Mad,
HAHAHa.. Gue pun tak pernah jumpa lagi your wife tu.Kalau dia nak bolehla dia belajar dgn my Mrs.
fasal library tu, tak kesah mad... Asalkan ade walaupun buku-buku tu hanya buku RS Krumi....Hydralics yang kita dok belajar tu....
Apa oleh-oleh dari Sahara? Tak kan pasir aje kot... Oh ya. Hang bila nak balik bercuti di Malaysia? Jangan lupa contact boleh la buat gathering sikit.
huu huu sya tak de library... sya nih jenis malas membaca.. camner tuh?
Owhhh saya pun nak hantar juga la ke "your shelves" tu...camne nak buat ekkk? (nak kena kemas nih!!)
Jaiman you can email to Kim Heijdenrijk and her email address is k_heijdenrijk@hotmail.com. You can send her a picture and description of your library. so you going to be the 2nd Malaysian to be published on the Shelves...
what a beautiful building :-) !
thanks for sharing
and thanks for your comment about my library at my shelves :) !
wow... huge collection 4 home library. nak pki cataloguer inform abg din erk :-)
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