Mereka mutiara di hati ku... Mereka pandai mengambil hati orang tua... Sayang Mereka. So semalam sempena my birthday we had some photo sessions, so ape lagi semuanya keluarkanlah bakat terpendam ala-ala model gitu... Well I was surprised to see their modelling talent hehehe.
My eldest daughter Deanna, is very obedient and she wanted to be an Architect. An Ambition in me that never get accomplished. I gave her the name after Princess Diana. Deanna means My Deen or religion.Being the first, she was the most beautiful gift from Allah during our first year of marriage.

My eldest daughter Deanna, is very obedient and she wanted to be an Architect. An Ambition in me that never get accomplished. I gave her the name after Princess Diana. Deanna means My Deen or religion.Being the first, she was the most beautiful gift from Allah during our first year of marriage.
Batrishya being the second get her name after Princess Beatrix. That very day when she was born was the moment that I could not forget in my entire life where my wife gave birth to her at home. I was the "Bidan" bidang terjun. I was panicked not knowing what to do and the only number I remembered to call was 911. But now she has a soft heart, so dear to me and caring as well... She loves cats
Balqis being third get her name after Princess Balqis. I remember when she had Kawasaki... I thought I was going to loose her... But thank god we were early to her the treatment and she is alright now. Through her I learnt the art of patient, true love and to be a love giver .... I also learnt that whatever we have in this world is temporary and it belongs to Allah and he may take it whenever he wants. Jazzakallah..

When Jeehan was born, I running out of names. Don't know what shall I put. My boss suggested Jeehan since she was born on Deepavali Day. Coincidently my mom in law suggested the same. I guess she was gifted with that name. Jeehan means victory and I guess it was our victory when we finally went to Mekkah to perform our Umrah. She was the only one who have been abroad and to Mekkah coz my wife was pregnant at that time. Alhamdulillah.
Later I found that Jeehan is the name of the Empress of India i.e. Shah Jahan's mother. I didn't realised that I managed to have my daughters named after 4 princesses...

Leila Nadjwa was born at almost dawn. I was running out of name...and I don't think I could think of the name of another princess.While trying hard to dine her a name. I received a call from the Specialist Hospital telling me that she had some complications. She was placed in the incubator ofr 3 days until, the specialist hospital had to refer her to the general hospital. We were mad with the Drs at the specialist hospital but we got no choice. We concurred to transfer her to GH. At the GH, the Dr who was attending to her told me that she was in critical state. She had to be warded in the NICU due to pneumonia. The Dr mentioned that the chance of survival was low and asked me to pray... However the Dr suggested me to speak to her coz she saied, my new born understands... I did what I was being told.. Alhamdulillah after praying hard she recovered gradually after more than a week...
Looking back, that was the lowest moment in my life... and I gave her that name meaning "Whispering in the Night". Coz I whisper to her every night while she was in the hospital and tell her not to leave us....

Through the years seeing them growing up is a great pleasure to me and my wife. I always wish that they will achieve success in this life and life hereafter.. Be someone significant.. Coz "Orang yang terbaik antara kita ialah orang yang dapat memebri munafaat kepada orang lain" I love you all girls and you all the pearls in my heart. Bak kat Mila.. Kau Persis Mutiara...
When Jeehan was born, I running out of names. Don't know what shall I put. My boss suggested Jeehan since she was born on Deepavali Day. Coincidently my mom in law suggested the same. I guess she was gifted with that name. Jeehan means victory and I guess it was our victory when we finally went to Mekkah to perform our Umrah. She was the only one who have been abroad and to Mekkah coz my wife was pregnant at that time. Alhamdulillah.
Later I found that Jeehan is the name of the Empress of India i.e. Shah Jahan's mother. I didn't realised that I managed to have my daughters named after 4 princesses...
Leila Nadjwa was born at almost dawn. I was running out of name...and I don't think I could think of the name of another princess.While trying hard to dine her a name. I received a call from the Specialist Hospital telling me that she had some complications. She was placed in the incubator ofr 3 days until, the specialist hospital had to refer her to the general hospital. We were mad with the Drs at the specialist hospital but we got no choice. We concurred to transfer her to GH. At the GH, the Dr who was attending to her told me that she was in critical state. She had to be warded in the NICU due to pneumonia. The Dr mentioned that the chance of survival was low and asked me to pray... However the Dr suggested me to speak to her coz she saied, my new born understands... I did what I was being told.. Alhamdulillah after praying hard she recovered gradually after more than a week...
Looking back, that was the lowest moment in my life... and I gave her that name meaning "Whispering in the Night". Coz I whisper to her every night while she was in the hospital and tell her not to leave us....
Through the years seeing them growing up is a great pleasure to me and my wife. I always wish that they will achieve success in this life and life hereafter.. Be someone significant.. Coz "Orang yang terbaik antara kita ialah orang yang dapat memebri munafaat kepada orang lain" I love you all girls and you all the pearls in my heart. Bak kat Mila.. Kau Persis Mutiara...
anak permata paling bernilai...
sedap smua nama...
batrisya oh batrisya...
wonderful children indeed. shukuran.
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