I joined this company in September 1994. At that time, I was involved in the construction of Tower 2 Superstructure. It was a different kind of feeling & excitement to see the Tower grew day by day. I had the opportunity to travel to Japan, Korea, Europe & United States Of America during my tenure in the company.
Upon completion of the Petronas Twin Towers, I was assigned to another prestigious project in Bandar Seri Iskandar Perak for the construction of Chancellory Complex of University Of Technology Petronas. In that project, I managed the project designed by a renowned Architect Fosters & Partners.
The project I'm working on right now is the 58 Storey Office Tower in KLCC Development. It is sad to leave as this company has been part of me. But for the sake of my family & my future, I had to make this moved. I hope with the experience that I have gathered locally and soon internationally. I could share this experiences in building our nations to meet our Vision 2020 target.
I hope with this little sacrifice of mine could contribute something back to the country. My word of advice, be Sincere and Passion in whatever you do. Insya'allah ALLAH will always be with you.
Ir. Mohamad Abdul Jamal.
Kak Ana I am going to Qatar. Hope to see you in Malaysia before I leave. Rindu kat Alliyah..
good luck on your new endeavor..I wish you the best.. and lots of photos with your new Nikon D80
Mohd, please write to me - makaliyyah3@yahoo.com so kita boleh sembang.
Kak Ana
Leaving for Qatar? All the best bro!.... with the new camera nanti boleh snap pic Qatar banyak2 ekkk...
Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak..
saya doakan agar usaha anda cita-cita anda tercapai dan makbul dengan jayanya. Sya juga bercita-cita hendak ke Timur Tengah tapi belum berjaya. Ada juga offer tapi adalah beberapa masalah..........belum rezekinya ....selamat berhijrah mengembangkan sayap melayu di Qatar.
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa
Semoga.. bro terus berjaya.. :D
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