Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Interview with KOSMO

I had an interview with KOSMO paper yesterday wanting to feature an article on my interest Persatuan Wang Kertas FX 070707... and we are trying to get as many people to join us. Sometimes to many things to do but limited time.


Anonymous said...

wah.... susah nak dapat nie... mcm pernah tengok jer... duit2 nie...
rasa2 ada banyak lagi la...
apa2 pun tanniah lah kerana anda tergolong dari limited people...
malaysia boleh.....

Anonymous said...

hOpefuLly pErsaTuan niE bErkemBanG di MalAYsiA..
uR coLLectiOn meManG Leh di rEspecT..
sUsaH naK daPaT...

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